Pocket Pet Care

Here at Belmont Veterinary Centre we provide general veterinary care for the pocket pets of Geelong, including rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, rats, and birds. While we are not exotic animal specialists, our experienced team can assist with a wide range of services, from health checks and vaccinations to dental care, medical treatments and surgical procedures. If your pet requires advanced or specialist care, we can guide you on the best referral options.

Your small pets deserve big care.

Our Services Include


  • Rabbits are herbivores and need a diet high in fibre to maintain good digestive health and dental wear.
  • Their diet should consist of:
    • Unlimited access to high-quality grass hay (Timothy, Oaten, Wheaten, Pasture, or Meadow hays).
    • A variety of fresh leafy greens (bok choy, basil, parsley, dandelion, endive, and coriander).
    • A small portion of high-quality rabbit pellets (such as Oxbow).
    • Avoid high-sugar and high-starch foods like carrots, fruit, or grains.
  • Fresh water should always be available.
  • Guinea pigs are herbivores that require a high-fiber diet to maintain dental and gut health.
  • They must receive a dietary source of Vitamin C, as they cannot produce it naturally.
  • They should be provided with unlimited grass hay and fresh leafy vegetables.
  • Ferrets are obligate carnivores and require a high-protein diet.
  • Hills Science Diet cat/dog food is a suitable commercial diet.
  • They can also develop dental disease due to tartar and gingivitis.
  • They are omnivores and should be provided with a combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality rat pellets.
  • Avoid feeding them seed/grain mixes, as these can lead to obesity and malnutrition.

Vaccination Protocol

  • Rabbits in Australia should be vaccinated against Calicivirus (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus – RHDV). We recommend an initial at 10 weeks of age, followed by annual boosters.
  • There are two types of RHDV present in Australia (RHDV1 and RHDV2). So it’s essential to discuss with our vets which vaccine protocol best suits your rabbit.

No vaccinations are recommended.

  • We recommend Ferrets are vaccinated for distemper. We recommend an initial vaccination at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks of age.
  • A booster is required every 12 months.

No vaccinations are recommended.


  • We recommend desexing rabbits from 4-6 months of age.
  • Desexing reduces the risk of reproductive cancers (which are very common in female rabbits) and helps manage unwanted behaviours such as aggression and territorial marking.
  • Male rabbits (bucks) can still be fertile for several weeks after desexing, so care should be taken when reintroducing them to females.
  • Guinea pigs may be desexed at 5-6 months of age.
  • A female guinea pig should not have her first litter after 6 months of age, as her pelvic bones become fused, which can cause problems with labor.
  • Female ferrets will remain in heat until mated, which can lead to a life-threatening uterine infection (pyometra).
  • Unless breeding is planned, desexing both male and female ferrets is recommended.
  • It’s recommended to desex rats from 12 weeks of age. (Can we add something like; whilst we don’t recommend rodents undergo general anaesthesia, some owners may still wish to perform this procedure)

Parasite Management

  • Rabbits can be affected by external parasites like mites and fleas.
  • We recommend Revolution (selamectin) as a safe topical treatment, but only under veterinary guidance.
  • Prevention is key for heartworm, and oral medications like Heartgard or topical Revolution can help.
  • Lice and mites are common in guinea pigs, often picked up from hay or new guinea pigs.
  • Topical Revolution is recommended, but a vet should confirm the correct dosage.
  • Ferrets can get fleas from cats and dogs and may also suffer from ear mites.
  • They are also susceptible to heartworm disease, so prevention is recommended with Heartgard or Revolution.

We're here for you and your pocket pet

To book an appointment or if you have any questions – please do not hesitate to contact us.