With Disaster Preparedness Month just around the corner this September, it’s vital that we get ourselves ready for potential disasters and also look out for our furry family members. When a disaster like a cyclone, earthquake, or bushfire hits, it can be a time of real chaos and confusion. However, having a plan for your pet ahead of time can make all the difference. As vets and animal hospitals, it’s our responsibility to make sure pet owners understand just how crucial it is to prepare for disasters when it comes to their pets. In this blog, we’ll go through how to include your pet in your Disaster Plan.
First and most importantly, you’ve got to have an emergency kit for your pet. This should have food, water, medications, a leash, a collar with ID tags, and all the other things your pet needs to stay healthy and comfortable. It’s also a good idea to have a crate or carrier ready, just in case you need to evacuate.
Next up, you need to figure out a safe spot for your pet if you can’t take them with you when you have to leave. It could be a friend or family member’s place, a pet-friendly hotel, or even a boarding facility. Make sure you’ve got the important contact info for this place handy, and also jot down info for local animal shelters and vet hospitals just in case your pet gets lost or hurt.
On top of all this, it’s really important to keep your pet’s ID info up to date. That means their collar tags and any microchip info. In the middle of a disaster, pets can easily get separated from their owners, but having the right ID can help get them back home safely.
Finally, it’s a smart move to practice your Disaster Plan with your pet before a disaster actually happens. This could mean taking your pet on car trips with their crate or carrier so they get used to it, or doing evacuation drills together.
To mark Disaster Preparedness Month, we’re encouraging you to take these steps and make sure your pet is a part of your Disaster Plan. If you’ve got any questions or worries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help you keep your pet safe.